Welcome To Juanco Group
26 Years of Success
Juanco Group Ltd is a multi-line organization with operations in the Eastern and Central Africa region through wholly owned affiliation domiciled in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. It is the custodian of most of the group assets comprising of land, buildings, and trade markets.
Phone Number
+(254)20 2088754/5/6
Email Address
Our Location
Ngong Road Juanco Center
What We Do
Our Divisions

In the agricultural sector, the group’s interests cover agro-vet inputs and agro-processing. In the agrovet inputs sub-sector, Juanco is a leader in innovative state-of-the art products and is recognized as the pioneer in the introduction and development of biological (organic) pest control products in the East African region.

Real Estate
In the real estate sector, the group’s interests covers construction of buildings, road construction, water works, supply of construction materials, sale and acquisition of land, Project management , financing of projects, processing of relevant permits for clients and commercial developments in East Africa

The group incorporated and is operating a general trading arm. Under this unit, the group runs a number of businesses. Premiasos which is engaged in petroleum retailing, hospitality and general trading. Wajumbe which is engaged in petroleum, retailing, hospitality located along pipeline road situated at picnic rise
To invest in and grow key sectors of the economy satisfying the needs of our customers, employees and investors.
To be the outstanding leader in all our areas of business including agriculture, finance, technology and aligned areas.
Patriotism, Integrity, Courage and Hardwork. We revere the communities in which we operate and consider social responsibility an obligation. We consider the customer not only king but also the force which guarantees our success.
Our Agricultural Products
We are Leaders in Biological
Pest Control Products

Type: Insecticide / Miticide
Status: Certified organic
Pyegar® is active against a wide range of pests including bollworms, aphids, whitefly, thrips, fruit fly, mealybug, scales, mites, snails etc.

Type: Insecticide
Status: Certified organic
Pyerin 4EC has efficacy on a wide range of insect pests including: mites, aphids, thrips, whitefly, scales, beetles, mealybug, bollworms, armyworm, caterpillars, fruit fly, stink bug etc.Repels whitefly

Type: Insecticide
Status: Certified organic
Pyeneem effectively controls aphids, whitefly and thrips.Natural pyrethrum provides quick knockdown with azadrachtin providing residual kill of sucking and biting pests.

Type: Insecticide
Status: Certified Non-Organic
Mos n Roach controls insect pests by both contact and ingestion
PEST RANGE: Flies, fleas, mosquitoes, bedbugs, all types of cockroaches and other public health pests.

Type: Insceticide
Status:Certified non-organic
A fourth generation pyrethroid that affects the nervous system of target pests like mosquitoes, cockroaches, fleas, bedbugs, ants, lice, house flies

Type: Insecticide
Status: Certified Non-Organic
Public health insecticide for control of Cockroaches, Fleas & Ants in domestic environs, contains natural pyrethrum and bifenthrin. It is dusted to control most crawling insects.

Aurora Turbo
Type: Herbicide
Category: Non-organic
Pest range all broad leaved weeds including Pig weed, Mexican Poppy, Black jack, shepherds, Fat hen, Wandering jew, Naivasha weed, datura, Devils thorn, Macdonaldi, Cleavers, Mallow.

Type: Herbicide
Category: Non-organic
Pest Range: Sedges(Cyperus esculentus, Cyperus rotundus), Broad Leaved weeds(Amaranthus spp., Chenopodium album, Ageratum conyzoides, Polygonium spp.

Type: Herbicide
Category: Non-organic
Pest Range:Barnyardgrass, Blackgrass, Field sandbur, Foxtail species, Hairy crabgrass, Panicum species, Panicum spp, Roughstalk bluegrass, Smooth crabgrass, Tame oat, Wild oat, Windgrass

Type: Herbicide
Category: Non-organic
Pest Range: Grasses (Sweet buffalo grass, Red bristke grass, Johnson grass, Wild sorghum, Black-seed wild sorghum, Herringbone grass, Guinea fowl grass)

TYPE: Fungicide
PEST RANGE: Fusarium wilt, Pythium, Rhizoctonia, Sclerotium
CROP RANGE: Tomatoes, potatoes, carnations, roses, beans, peas, Runner beans, snow peas.

Impact Guard
TYPE: Fungicide
CATEGORY: Non-organic
A Preventive & Curative Fungicide for the Control of Powdery mildew and Rust
in Roses and Carnations respectively and control of coffee leaf rust.

Banana Pack
TYPE: Fungicide, nutrient, insecticide and miticidal product
CATEGORY: Non-organic multipurpose productPEST RANGE: Banana weevil, Nematodes, Fusarium, Termites, anthracnose, root rot, phytophthora, cutworms.

TYPE: Fungicide
CATEGORY: Non-organic
PEST RANGE: stripe rust in wheat and barley, Ascochyta leaf spot, powdery mildew on snow peas, botrytis, Alternaria on Confetti; rust, rings spot & botrytis on Carnations.

TYPE: Fungicide
CATEGORY: Non-organic
PEST RANGE: Blights, Downy mildew, Powdery mildew, root rots, damping-off.
CROP RANGE: Potatoes, Tomatoes, Roses, Carnations, Snow peas and Asian vegetables
Services we provide in
Real Estate
Our team of experienced experts will guide you every step of the way from idea conceptualization to actualization.